Monday, May 24, 2010

I just got this horse...?

an arab that is an awesome listener and when u say trot he trots!!
he can do side saddle huntseat dressage and western
i will do huntseat on him but was wondering if maybe he could do a jump?
would free jumping be a good idea or like trotting with him up to a jump?
Did you just get him - meaning that you inloaded him at your place today - if you did let him sit (not be ridden) for a day for 2 and let him adjust. Then work him in the arena, I am assuming that you have not ridden him that much and I am assuming that he is around 5-6 - perfect age if you have experience - and I am assuming that you have jumping experience (if not please seek help from a trainer for your begining jumping and not read on) If you anwered yes then work him on the flat and then slowly - over a few day period - to get him still used to the new areas of the arena and also you - introduce ground poles and then cavaleties and then small jumps and work him up. Always jump with a helmet and with someone with you that can watch the horse. As far as more jumping details go - I would hope that you already know them if you are a jumper, or have access to a trainer that you can work with. Always go up in levels gradualy - don't get over confident and try something too big too soon. But then if you had a trainer that you worked with - I would then wonder why you are asking this question on Yahoo. Take care of knees and fetlocks and backs wth jumping - easy on the mouth - please use a trainer to watch you and give you more advise - there is only so much that can be said in this forum - Good luck and be safe
yes but make sure he is ready for it too! and you are also have some supervision and be careful
I would start with things like trot poles to teach the horse or see if the horse knows anything about strides in jumping it is also good for you as you will be in the 2 point position which may be a knew feeling for him too. Then I would move up to a small x standard and I mean small enough that he could step over it. Be sure to use standards around so he doesn't spook over the sight of something knew in his path and be slow and steady until you both getthe hang of eachother
Start him off using very low jumps over cavaletti, make sure there's enough stride between the cavaletti so he can canter. Show him the jumps first, let him see them, sniff them, lead him around them. If you have the cavaletti in a paddock, let him investigate them on his own without anything being asked of him so that he gets used to their being there.
i jumped my former reiner arab for the first time and it only took about 30 min!!! get a rean short jump (1ft) and just walk him over it till he picks up his feet good, dont woory if he dodges around it just do it again with him, then get on him and just walk him back and forth over it keep him calm so he doesnt spook around it, next get a good distance away so you can find a good rhythem i just kept mine at a trot so she doesnt get rushy and try to canter the last few meters DON'T GO INTO A 2 POINT!!! simply sit back lean foward with your upper body grab hold of the mane if you need to and keep the reins pretty loose so he feels he can stretch his head if he needs to, but keep control ok youre trotting to the fence DONT LOOK AT THE FENCE!! look at at gate or something in the distance looking at the fence shifts your body wieght down then that makes your horse stop so just keep trotting then try to get your horse into a gentle canter just before the fence think about flying over it but be prepared cuz he will probably stop short or dodge around like mine did if he stops short have him walk over it if he dodges just go back to the starting point dont scold just keep practicing (although i would stop after 45 min or he jumps it a few times, dont want him getting bored!) if he jumpes it he may leap way high cuz he doesnt want his feet getting knocked!! try not to land with a bump! although you may untill you get used to his jumping stlye once he does jump afterwards you can (other days) you can jump him for awile changing the directions you go in try not to over do it cuz all that running and jumping gets them very excited, so mix things up! trail ride with log jumping or jump serveral in a row, make sure your not rushing things and he has built up enough muscles!!
soon you could be jumping in the grand prix!!
sorry this is soooo long but there alot on jumping!
I am sure he could jump.
Any Arabian can jump, and some of the greatest are Arabians.
Depending on age I wouldn't jump him too much if he is over 25, but other than that go for it.
I would do some low ground poles and other exercised until you know what he is capable of.
Good Luck!
My first questions for you are how old is the horse and what kind of training have you and the horse had?
I know several people who have been severly injured falling and I've known two horses who broke their legs jumping.
Just use trotting poles and low jumps to get him used to the idea of jumping, but if he doesnt seem like the type, it would be better to just give it up.
Sure, if you think he has the potential (never force him to do it). Try trotting poles first and as you get faster gaits from him over the trotting poles start putting the trotting poles closer together. Once the are about 7-9 inches apart start trotting him over little raised poles like cavalettis. You can soon start cantering over the cavalettis after he and you feels comfortable with trotting over them. You can eventually start going higher inch by inch. I do not recommend free jumping until the horse has at least gone over a small jump with a rider. Free jumping is mainly just to brush up on a horse's skills in my opinion.
~Good luck!
i say trot first because it is safer and youll be able to see if he will jump it try galloping himm but make sure hes not a fraid of the jump
He should. Just go out on a trail or in an arena just trot around with some small jumps placed in random spots, or go ware you know some small logs will be. just trot him around, when you come to a jump, if he jumps then fine if he steps over it try it again. If you really want to see then trot him up to the jump and ask for him to jump... if he does not then I don't know but an Arab. can do about t anything.. you can just train him to jump..
well, fisrt, you must see that jumping is something that you BOTH want to do. Then, train him in it. After months of trainng, try it out!!
My horse "Bradd" was very smooth with his gaits, and canteringm trotting, whatever, was so comfprtable! So i started to train him in western pleasure, and he is a fine horse at that. He has bee doing it for three years and I'm very happy with the performance, so it just depends, make sure you think he has the potential to be a jumper, and train, try it out! you can't know before you try!
email me for more information!
Yep! My Arab is an amazing jumper! I love it! Make sure you do trotting poles %26 stuff before you do jumping! Good Luck!
Probly trooting with him to a jump I mean you can try free but I think that trotting woth him to a jump is better

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