dont you think?!?!? Just look at these:
Tell me you know they arent dangerose, PLEASE!
It really depends on the horse. some actually can be very dangerous. In germany where i am from they have a boarding stable and there are several very large mustangs with warning signs which i ignored once and i tried to pet this gorgeous black boy ( didn't touch hish just let him smell me though the bars) and he flipped out and started kicking and stuff.
they dont look dangeorus
They look so good. I want to have some steak for next week.
They are very sweet and loyal. People who think otherwise probably don't know the beauty of horses.
it depends in ur treatment
I want one sooo bad. When I get out of college and get a job and my life set up, I am planning on adopting probably a 2 or 3 year old mustang. I am looking forward to the ups and downs having an untouched horse will bring. They are sooo freaking pretty! I am very excited. Luckily I only have one more year of college left!
I went on a huge trail ride that went across the state of Iowa a few years back and someone brought his mustang! That horse was so well behaved it was almost unreal. The trick is getting them to trust you, but once you have that, you are golden.
Whether we admit it or not, ALL horses (reguardless of breed, age, or training) have the potential to be dangerous. A horse is a large animal, and any wrong move by us or them can cause serious physical injury.
Furthermore, every horse is different and has their own individual personality. You may have some well behaved mustangs, but someone else might've gotten stuck with their stubborn, wild, and aggressive counterparts. Again, this is not only with mustangs, but with any breed of horse.
So, again, to tell you I know that they aren't dangerous would be a lie, because any horse could be dangerous.
I think they are beautiful and sweet looking. But like another poster said, any horse can be dangerous. My thoroughbred who never gave me a problem, except for one time when I tried to trim his muzzle, he reared up and caught me on my side, dragging me underneath him. It was totally my fault, because I knew he was afraid of clippers. But that doesn't change the fact that I could have been killed easily.
On the other hand, I can't wait to get some land of my own so that I can have the facilities to be able to adopt a mustang or two of my own.
nah, if they are gentled right they are good horses. most people think of like wild mustangs running out in the desert fighting and beating eachother. they see discovery stuff and that's all that sticks. same way with wolves, people think they are man eaters while in fact they'd rather leave you alone and be left alone. mustangs are good loyal horses and hard workers. they have a sence of moral and leadership respect unlike domesticated horses who grew up around people and think them equals or lowers.
they look really calm and nice in the pictures but how they actually react to humans is kind of questionable, since of course, they use to be in the wild and that was the only way of living they knew. But with proper training and communication, they are fine. Horses are never intentionally dangerous, its always the humans fault, so yes, i know they arent dangerous.
any horse can be dangerous. it depends on how you care for them and what their past is. mustangs are known to be hot blooded but a lot are very tame. like i said it all depends on their past and present care. i dont think any horse is "dangerous" though. most are usually missunderstood.
Besides the Ferrell Horses we have here in the out skirts of Scottsdale, AZ, I have had two run-ins with Mustangs and here's my opinion,( you would have to really know me and my experience to see my intent of what I'm about to say) Many people confuse Mustangs with wild Ferrell horses however, I've had the honor of getting to know two mustangs And a Mustang would just as soon as hurt you than to play nice but (and here's the clincher) If a true Mustang trust's you then you will have a true friend that will take it's own life to save yours in the drop of a hat. It is a trust thing and I don't think there's a horse any where that can read people (Other than a Mule) that can read a person like a Mustang. I had rented a couple of stalls to a young girl that had two horse's and one of them was a buckskin Mustang. Everyone at my barn was scared to go near that horse and would tell everyone else to stay away from that Mustang, "it will kill you". One night It came to me that she has been watching me for a couple of weeks. I started looking at her, really looking at her and the first thing I saw was this mare had a near perfect conformation with one of the most perfect ridding backs I'd ever seen. I slowly walked up to her and she didn't act the same as when other people that walked up to her. Rearing up, pawing the dirt and flipping her rump around at the person coming up to her. I gave her a carrot and walked away. The next night, a carrot and pet her on the neck and walked away. the next day when I drove up to the barn several people (with the look of shock on their faces) heard her winny at me and paw the ground, flipping her head up and down. I walked up to her without a carrot and just leaned on the railing. she walked up to me, smelled my arm and stood there untill I left. the whole time I was grooming another horse, she watched me. That night with a little help from Mr. Jack Danials, I decided to enter the stall and find out what I wanted to know relying on my natural crisma with horse's. I walked in, starting touching her on the neck then cheek, back and the next thing you know, I was picking up her hoofs noticing how bad they were. My friend couldn't believe what he was seeing while still holding his breath in fear. That Mustang wouldn't leave me alone from that point forward. I ended up buying her for a $1000.00 dollars from the girl that was extreamly jelious of our relationship, the same girl that couldn't do`anything but complain that she's a killer horse and nobody can do a thing with her. Today, even though no one but me can get near her,she is my best mountian ridding Bear hunting horse that naturaly grounds reins when I jump off (or fall off) I have no problem holding on to her tail while going up hill or hanging on to her lead, keeping me from falling down hill off a cliff and she follows me around like a dog around the barn. Everyone in my circle knows to stay away from her and I still have a bit of a problem when she gets new shoes. Best $1000.00 ever spent. I'd have given $3000.00. Heres the bottom line...when looking for a Mustang... let one pick YOU out of the herd and it will be an experience like no other. Good luck
Looks can be misleading... I am sure they are sweethearts but all horses are unpredictable, just be careful!
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