Monday, May 24, 2010

I have recently purchased 27 horses?

all but a few were not taken very good care of. i have given all of them shots and wormed them and had there hooves trimmed and they have all gained wieght and are looking really good. my question is if they are just going to be at pasture do they need to have shoes put on them ? i figure wild horses dont have shoes but i thought id ask people that know.
Wow! People on answers can be quite rude, can't they? You guys, this person obviously bought these horses because she loves horses and do you really think she would buy that many without thinking? And come on, she obviously has the resources! You guys, this is getting old! Like when a parent may ask about what type of pony to get for their daughter on , some people will say things like, "Get a shetland (or whatever breed), as long as your daughter has a helmet and is under supervision!" Well of course the parent would do this! I'm just using this as an example but some people can be quite rude and say obvious things like know-it-alls. It's getting old! Some of you guys just totally think a lot of people asking these questions are morons! This person probably has great facilites and is taking great care. Doesn't it say that she just gave them all shots, wormed them and put some weight on their poor bones? She obviously, like many other askers, knows what she is doing! So stop doing this! Okay, so maybe this is a bit mean sounding but it is true. Let's make this a better community! Thanks.
So to answer your question. No, they don't need shoes if you're not riding them or anything. One of my horses is older and doesn't need shoes because he isn't ridden or anything. So good luck and have a great time with your horses! And congrats on shaping up those horses . . . that's really sweet of you!
Why would you get 27 horses? oh, no they don't need shoes
as long as they are not grazing on concrete it should be alright to go without shoes
i dont think you have too but it might be helpful
27 horses is a lot. I hope that you have the resources to take proper care of them. So far it sounds like you are. Ask your farrier about each individual horse. Most horses will do just fine being barefoot but there are horses who will need shoes no matter what you do.
I would put shoes on them because of wild or not it isnt good for nothin to be on there feet
Not if you don't ride them. You can, but it would really be a waist because there is no high risk of them getting an abscess.
Have to? no horses were about thousands of years without shoes. I would suggest a skid steer to shovel the horse poop with. If these are wild mustangs I believe there are FEDERAL laws governing what you can and can not do for them. Research research research... Good Luck
It depends on the horse. If they're trimmed and feet are normal most are fine barefoot. If there's underlying problems with their feet then there may be individuals that need it. It's true wild horses don't have shoes. But wild horses aren't asked to support the weight of people across all kinds of surfaces and jump, rein, compete in shows and do many other things we ask of them.
If they are just going to be pastured no, generally. You must take the type of ground you have into consideration. Hard pack, stoney etc. Also with that many horses in different stages of health and hoof wear, that must be looked at on an individual basis. This is fly season. Horses stomp. If you have a horse with weak hooves or damaged hooves you may want to have that one shod to protect the hoof.
Your comparison to wild horses is not 100% accurate. A horse with hoof or leg problems does not last long in the wild. Cruel as it sounds, it is nature. The wild horses that are running around unshod are healthy, hoof wise to begin with.
You have just gotten your self a nice herd and good luck. The information above is what I have experienced over 35 years in the horse trade. Having said that. If you are familiar with the horse business you know that there are as many theories and opinions as horses. Keep asking around and just do what you think is best for them.
The safest is to take it horse by horse until they are sound.
Good Luck.
Thank heavens for people like you! I'd do it too if I had the time and resources.
Are you breeding all these horses to your stud now?
It depends on the horse, some will need shoes, others wont. Most horses will be fine on soft ground with out shoes, but if you are riding any of these horses regularly, or they are on gravel, rocks, concrete, etc. for any part of the day, they most likely need shoes. If any of these horses have soundness issues they may need shoes to help maintain their comfort and prolong their soundness. Get a farrier out regularly, and get their input on which horses may need shoes, and which horses are fine.
Keep in mind, domesticated horses are in no way similar to wild horses, your average horse could not last out in the wild. Horses need a lot of care and attention, they can't just be left to fend for themselves. Pretty much all physical and mental attributes that allow horses to live in the wild have been bred out of domesticated horses.
In another question you said you are new to horses, and asked about your stud colt, what are you doing with 27 horses if you aren't really experianced with horses...? Unless you bought horses for other people to ride, how are you going to give the horses the ammount of handleing, exersize and training they need? You should consider hireing an experianced horse person as a barn manager/trainer to help you deal with all these horses, and training your colt. Don't take on too many horses, even if you can financially take care of this many horses it doesn't mean that you have the knowledge or time to meet all these horses needs.
No. Horses that will just be out to pasture wont need shoes. Personally It would be an extra cost that you do not need for 27 horses unless you are going to be riding them-- Some horses that are ridden don't even need shoes anyways- It's mainly if you are be going to do a lot of riding in cross country or on hard ground (pavement or gravel.) it's really great that you rescued these horses! Maybe you can help get them in good condition and get them used to people again and sell them to other loving homes that will ride them :] this way you can keep rescueing!
Horses dont need shoes in the wild, unless they need to have shoes to correct something, like a cracking hoof.. Shoes should not be warn on concrete, it makes there hoofs like walking on ice. Shoes are really needed for trail riding, dirt roads to keep there hoofs from getting chipped up. They are also needed for horse shows. Good luck with the horses.. We have 13 of them.. What state are you from?
if you are not going to be riding them hard or on hard surfaces and are just going to be turned out into a pasture then you will not need for them to have shoes
i think you are doing a wonderful thing rescuing these horses by the way!
It depends on the horse and conditions. My horse was a plow horse for years, and his feet are tough enough that he's never worn a shoe in his life. Other horses have "softer" feet and even though they do minimal work need shoes on all the time. Nik spends most of his life in a pasture or being ridden (and proud to say, soon an SCA reenactment horse!) and he doesn't need shoes.
27 horses? I'm guessing this was a rescue? Where are you at, and are you selling any of them or is this a ranch thing?
Thank the lord for people like you! Don't take anything personally on this website, seriously. Obviously you love horses and are just trying to do what's best for them. Ok... twenty-seven horses are an awful lot to start out with but anyways, good going! No, no shoes will be neccesary.
Good luck :D
Congratulations on your purchase!
If your horses will be at pasture, they will be fine. Horses only need to be shod when they will be walking on hard surfaces, roads, rocks, etc. I have 5 horses at pasture, they have never been shod before. When I want to ride like on the road (we have a dirt road, full of rocks), I use easy boot, removable horse shoes. The wonderful thing about these boots is that they can be put on and removed at any time by you, allowing the horse to be barefoot in the pasture and booted while riding on rough terrain. These shoes are better for the horse's hooves than the nailed-on shoes.
The only time one may need shoes is if severe crack or if you have had them checked for Navicular.a deep hoof problem. Please look up on it as my Trakehner needed shoes year long due to this. It attacks the tendons/ ligaments in media arch. I beleive in the hoof oragin and eventually their hooves turn in or out.
To answer your question, no the horses do not need shoes if they are in the pasture and not being ridden.
Secondly good for you for helping that many horse out of a bad situation. Keep up the good work.
if there is no concrete or anything really hard like that then its fine if they don't have shoes they feet will wear down naturally. Just once in a while have the farrier take a look at then and trim them
hi,my name is kimberly and i am a horse lover.i was reading your question and being around horses all my life,i think that you only need shoes on them if they are going to be on the pavement.
Good for you to live out your dream! Horses don't need shoes unless their feet are soft or have problems. I have some paint mares that are in pasture and they have those white soft hooves so they are shod in the front only. My other mares are not since they don't have problems. Some of my riding horses don't need shoes they have great feet on them. After you get them trimmed if you notice any of the horses with chips or cracks starting you might want to have the farrier check their feet to see if they will have problems that would require shoes. I only put shoes on my pasture horses on their front hooves then if any of them kick at each other they won't hurt the other horses with rear shoes on.
they definantly don't need shoes out in the pasture, in fact, with the proper care and trimming, most horses really don't need shoes at all. i have a barrel racing horse, a trail horse, and a cart donkey, and none need shoes. i trim their hooves with a wild-mustang trim. when they are not ridden, they are in the pasture instead of a barn, to keep their hooves healthy. anyways here are some websites you should check out, i think you will find them interesting:

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