Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have asked this question but nobody is answering...PLEASE DO I AM PANICING!! PLEASE!!!?

Here is the thing I am getting the most perfect,responsive best jumping horse there could be tommorow, and I am planning to do lots of showjumping and things like that with the livery yard (it is the only one near enough to us and it is lovely there so I am not moving!) the arena is 7 metres by 8 metres big...which is really quite small, so how am I going to train him for showjumping as it will be a course if there is not enough room to do it!?
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10 minutes ago
By the way they will be at first about 3ft then we will go on to do BSJA jumps.but she only has two jumps aswell...the only alternative is to hack down the road to this field and maybe get logs and stuff together to make a showjumping course.but these would not be if I did do this then would it mean that he wouldn't jump poles in the show or would he?
I would say you are in a real pinch here. If there is not enough space to train your new horse to jump then you will need to find some where to take him for training or move to a new barn, which you can't do. your other option is to buy poles and take to the field to practice with. you can use logs but there is a possibility your horse wont jump the poles if you do that. another suggestion is to take your horse to a 4-H horse club arena which will be big enough to jump in and they usually have no problem with you using also if they have them you can use their poles. Good Luck
Find another place...
If you are a good rider, your horse should jump what you point him at. Exposing a horse to non-pole jumps doesn't mean he won't just poles when you come to them. Ironically, most jumps are created to look like the things a horse would encounter (and jump) naturally -- trees, logs, gates (from fox hunting days).
Your arena is way too small. A horse's canter stride alone is 12 feet (is that 4 meters?). so it wouldn't even be able to canter in your arena let alone jump a 3ft jump!
You need to find yourself somewhere else to school - a field, a better barn, something.
you don't always have to practice the actual pattern. if you do, you'll burn out the horse's mind. you can practice the jumps, but not the pattern. if he's the most responsive horse, then your horse shouldn't have a problem doing the course as long as you know it in your head. that arena is way too small for a regular sized arena. it sounds about the same size as my family's playroom, and it is 700 square feet. (about 3 feet in 1 metre)
think small. use small jumps and easier gait. you shouldnt be doing big sets with a new horse anyways! if you do it small and easy, your horse will be even better than when you do it big in the show ring. your horse will be more responsive and alert from the smaller sets because you have to have more control. dont move, just work with what you have and downsize. dont worry either, the more you worry and panic, the more your horse will pick up your senses and do worse. by the way, hope you win!
Well, he has to jump over something. Maybe you should visit a lumberyard and see if you can get some look alike wood poles, may even use plastic type (PVC) pipes, but painted same color as poles> Animals recognize color, no defined image, plus use your voice to lead him.
humm. try working on different aspects of a course. work on doubles (sence you have two jumps), push the jumps together and work on oxers, and work on your turns and stuff for now until you get more jumps. you can use haybails and a board from home depot to make a jump if you need to. try doing a broken line, and work on jumping your jumps at an angle.
Hack down the road to that field. It sounds like a real plan. It won't matter what you use, you just need to keep him fit and practice your jumps. He'll be fine with poles at a show no matter what you use at home.
Well, when you already know for sure when the horse show is, go train in the arena a day or two before the actual show, and show your horse the arena so he could get used to it and not be nervous because my first show with my first horse was pretty good because I showed him the arena and he got used to how small it was too! Good Luck at the show!
Show jumping is not about how big the arena is, but how responsive your partner is to your aids and directions. If you can ensure your partner is getting enough exercise every day, then I wouldn't worry about how big the arena is, but rather if he is willing to go over the jumps you point him at. Make sure you bring in new things, new "scary" things that he may see at the other arenas, colors, potted plants, etc. So that he will see them before it happens. When you get the chance to school at other arenas take that too. Good luck!
you could do a lot of bounces they dont take to much room up. and if you ahve a field with good footing why not move some jumps out there. OR i know where i am a place called rocking horse stables %26lt;- i think it costs $40 to school there but they have show jumping rings, dressage rings and cross country courses.. somewhere where you are they might have them too. good luck
what kind of horse are you getting?

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