Monday, May 24, 2010

I have heard that you can sell your horses tail for money is that true?

My mom told me that you can cut hair from your horses tail for money. Is this true? If so is it really worthy it? I mean how much money do u get. My moms 22 yr. old horse is going to die soon and she wants to know if it is really worth cutting her tail or if it will only be a little money. So if you know if this is true or not if you could answer that would be great.
We used to save the hair that comes out when you brush the tail for a man who made fiddle bows.
A friend's horse had the most amazing tail: Long, thick, dark chocolate with almost burgandy. When he died, she cut his tail and had someone make a dream catcher out of it. It's really cool.
Sorry to get off the subject. You can sell your horse tails. They are used for many purposes. But if you cut if off while they are still alive you'll need to tie something to the remaining hairs so he can swat flies.
yes u can u can sell yo 60 to 75 dollars : ) no lie extensions and horse hair is the same thing sell them as extensons
It is not worth it, unless you want something made for sentimental reasons. To make the hide on tail extensions, the hide has to be tanned. And if you do not know how to salt a hide to preserve it, it will start to stink pretty quick. For the other extensions, horsehair by the pound is about $35 depending on the color. Mecates made from tail hair are cheap (about $40) since the hair is so coarse. Mane hair is worth more, but unless you have quite a lot of it, most braiders and hitchers are not interested. I am good friends with Jose Ortiz and everytime we trim manes or bridle paths I save the hair, since we have horses that have white manes (most expensive hair color).After I collect, wash and sort it by color, I send it to him, just so it is not wasted. So, I would say, no, it is not worth it.
Yes. The hair is used for weaves and things. Just the hair not the whole tail.
The fact that the poor horse is dying and she's worried about making money kinda worries me a little.
You can... but leave the poor baby's tail alone during it's last days/weeks. They still NEED them.
Why is the horse about to die? Does it have a fatal disease or what? I have had many horses that lived into their 30's without probelms. If this horse is dying from something, do you think it would be sensible to sell her tail for human extensions? Let her keep it to combat the flies with and jsut enjoy her later years. You could have many more with her if you change her food and exercise habits. Good Luck and Have Fun!
depending on the color of the tail and the length the hair the tail could be worth as much as $280 per pound but will more likely be around $50 to $80 per pound. I don't know anything about preparing the tail for sale but if you contact a company who will buy the hair I'm sure they can tell you. Good Luck

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