Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have a difficult time putting on a halter on my horse?

Once i get in with the halter in muh hand he slicks his ears back and trots away and its a hell of a time getting near him to put the halter on. Ive tried hidin it but he still knows. The worst part is that my ranch is open range so he goes in the brushes and cactuses.How can i get near him without having to get on muh other horse and lasso him?
I had a similar problem with one of my mares years ago. What I did was I got her used to me coming up to her without the halter and just petting her and giving her treats. Once she stayed put doing that, I came up with a lead rope draped over my shoulder, didn't try to catch her yet. After a couple of days I draped the lead over her neck but didn't do anything other than hang out with her and pet her (and more treats, lol) . A couple more days and I lead her around with just the lead around her neck. Once we did that calmly, I then worked up to the halter. It took about 2 or 3 weeks but it paid off. She now lets me halter her every time. This mare was a hellcat when I first got her and I was a novice. It worked for me, maybe it will for you too.
Really it would be best if you could put him in a confined area while he learns this but it can work in an open space too. I can walk up to my mare in open acreage and she's fine now. I hope I've helped you. Best of luck to you.
Actually there's a little more to it. You have to keep the horse calm and do it at night when he's gonna sleep. And you have to be patient, do it so smoothly and give hime a little chocolate.
I use a peace of garden hose walk up to him slowly wrap the hose around his neck hold on to both ends and lead him around a little bit then try putting the halter on for me it worked every time
Sounds like your horse associates being caught with having to work.
Spend a lot of time on the pasture with your horse, without trying to catch it. Just walk up to it, pet it and so on. Do it first without anything, then with a rope in your hand, with the halter over your shoulder. Just be casual and do not try to catch the horse at first. When it lets you approach it with a halter in your hand, pet it with the halter, but don't halter it at first. Just take your time. Once you are able to get the halter on your horse, don't take your horse to work every time. Just catch it, praise it and release it again.
Plus check over your equipment and maybe change your working routines for the horse. If it likes the things it gets to do when with you, it will get easier to catch.
But remember - it takes a lot of patience!
it might help if when you get to him you lay your lead rope over his neck before he even sees the halter. that way if he tries to run you will have some control over his head.
also, when you give him a treat, make sure you're keeping your hand by your body so that he has to come to you. If you have to extend your arm out all the way, then he is taking advantage of you.
there is a book called "how horses learn" it is a thin book but packed with help. try leaving an old halter in his stall or hanging by his feed so that he can play with it and get use to the smell. once you do catch him spend lots of time putting the halter on and off, reward him, and then let him go without doing anything else. while you are worked with him kneed (massage) his neck, this will take his mind off what you are doing and will relax him.
For awhile don't go out with your halter to your horse. and when you can get near him just pet him and put your arm around his neck without problems, then try the halter again. When he runs off just keep with him, don't let him win, that's how they get bad habits. Boy you'll get a good workout with this. But just keep persistent on him. Watch for him to lick his lips.
Also what kind of halter do you have?
Try changing to a rope halter, because if the halter you use is leather, don't use it because some the leather halters are tanned with human urine and horses won't put it on or go near it.
Good luck
At the place i ride at there are some horses that dont like halters either, but when they let them out in the pasture they leave the halter on the horses. this way they dont have to chase after the horses they only have 2 put the lead rope on.
when you go out to halter him he thinks he will have to work. you need to teach him that when he is haltered he gets something good as well. to start with just take out the halter out with you and hang it over your shoulder like a women's purse. then give the horse a treat when he comes to you and praise him for it then leave. after a few times you can put the halter rope over his neck, give him the treat and let him go. finally you can put the halter on him and give him a treat then take it off and let him go with lots of praise. he will learn that it is good to get haltered and soon he will come running to get to go with you. you might be careful because you will be giving him a lot of treats and you might look for some treats that don't have as many extra vitamins and minerals that your horse doesn't need like Platform Treats. good luck

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