Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How often should a horse be clipped?

A)Once a year
B)once a month
C)once a week
D)once a day
different parts of the body will need clipped at different times as well as if you are showing or just keeping your horse looking nice. I clip the mane and tail once or twice a week during show season and may be every month and a half or so other wise. for the face I clip it close right before every show and not at all other wise. in the winter you should clip your horse if they are inside and you are ridding a lot once a month. if they are out side or you are not ridding then don't clip them.
Their mane? probably about once a month, but unless people are showing most dont get clipped. Their feet should be done every 6 weeks.
We clip ours once a month.
I clip (ears, bridle path, muzzle) my horses about once a week. We have people coming by to look at horses all the time and I like to keep them looking their best.
If you are talking about body clipping, you really need to only do it once a year, if necessary for showing or training purposes. I don't show anymore, so I don't body clip at all anymore, and my horses shed out to a nice, sheek coat because of good nutrition. When I work them they are easy to groom after because they already have nice coats.
Some horses don't shed out well in the summertime though, and continue to have a heavy coat, so body clipping them at the beginning of the summer helps with grooming. If you don't need to, then don't.
Some trainers body clip because they are training and riding hard, therefore working up a heavy sweat on their horses every day. So, body clipping is a help in rinsing and grooming the horse after working out. And it looks nice for showing.
If you are talking about trimming the bridle path, muzzle, and fetlocks, do this to your own taste. This can be done weekly if needed. If you are not showing, do not clip the hair out of your horse's ears as it keeps gnats and flies from bugging them. :)
Pasture horse not used for anything else-never
trail horse used sparingly - once a year, depending on look preference of person
show horse- at least twice before shows, longer hair 2 weeks before, muzzle- day before or morning of
I clip mine about once a month... I don't like the bridlepath area getting 'lumpy', and I'll usually clean up around the muzzle and under the jaw at the same time.
Once a week is personal preference of the owner.
Once a day is probably too much for any person to want.
Howrse huh?
There is a web site that will help a LOT it is
Hope it helps a lot
If you have any other questions feel free to E-mail me!
It depends if you are showing or not. If you are showing and it's a body clip once a year about one or two months before your first show. This gives the horse an opportunity to get a little growth back in and to cover clipping marks and to give the horse a sleek healthy look. Be careful not to put too much fly spray on a body clipped horse I have seen some horses have seizures. It is totally unnatural to clip a horse's whiskers as they need these for feelers. Horses can not see their nose and don't know what they are eating or how to sift through without those whiskers. If I had to I might clip them back not shave them off. Horses have whiskers and hair for a reason. When you over do it and take it all off expect some issues. The bridle path is okay for room for the bridle. The horse needs the hair in the ears to keep the dirt, debris and flies out of the ears. I would trim the ear hair back but I never shave it completely off. My horses and I have been top competitors in a variety of disciplines. I have never completely shaved and I have never ever body clipped. I guess on depends on what you are showing in. Dressage is pickier than flat saddle and Western pickier than hunter.
Depends on what kind of showing you do and what you like, could be weekly, could be never
Depends on the horse, the climate, and the horses workload, and the horses turnout situation. Once a month to never.
Depend on how much hair grows there, riders preferance, and how much mud there is to get stuck in feathers. Showin comes in to, so I say weekly to never.
Depends on weather it is worn long or short.
A: not often enough
B: just right
C: too often
D: way tooooo often
E: really really bad
B for hoofs
I only body clip my horses in training in November to tame their winter coat. Sometimes, I have to clip again in February (especially my pony) depending on how fast their winter coat grows back. When it comes to maintenance (muzzle, bridle path) I usually do it every 6 weeks or so, but I only trim their ears before they have a show. Having hair in your horse's ears actually protects their ears from bugs and dust.
I clip my horses once a month but if you do that you need to have lots of rugs on to keep them warm
If you're talking about hoofs, then yes, B once a month, or every four to six weeks!
And in some cases, every three weeks if the horses feet are soft, and grow fast!

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