Friday, July 31, 2009

Howse riding level 5?

Im cul8tr on howrse.
1. Does the bit have to be washed after every use?
2. Out of these horse breeds, which one is not a heavy horse?
The Jutland
The Waler
The Percheron
3. Horseshoes must be replaced锟?br> Every year
Every 4 to 6 weeks
Every 2 months
4. Which ones of the following terms designates a part of the horseshoe?
The sponge
The toe clips
The duster
The silver wire
The diamond point chisel
5. Which ones of the following terms designate a foot disease?
Sand crack
Bruised sole
The fire heads
Contracted hoof
6. Clipping the toe(s) beforehand, can the blacksmith sometimes put the horseshoes on the wrong way?
7. When I am riding my horse, can I use the road?
1. no
2. the Jutland
3. 4 to 6 weeks
4. ?diamond point chisel, silver wire?
5. ?sand crack, contracted hoof?
6. true
7. ya

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