Friday, July 31, 2009

Howrse Questions!?

I want to breed my mare with a good male, what should i look for?
My mares energy is low, is there anything i can do?
Do i ever get more aging points?
How do you get the morale up?
Does is cost you anything to put your mare to sleep at night?
How much should my mare weight at 2 1/2 years old?
It says my mares to thin and i feed her like crazy!?
What temp. does it have to put my mare to sleep in the meadow?
Lol i have alot of questions, sorry!
To give your mare more energy, you can give her turnips, carrots, apples or you can put her in a pasture for a few hours. Sometimes you can find aging points just by doing normal activities, or you can also buy them with real money. It does not cost any money to put your horse in the box for the night if she is registered with a boarding stable. There is no set limit of what your horse should weigh but if it says she is too thin you should feed her more. If it says you should feed her eight pounds of food a day, then feed her ten or eleven for a few days. To put a horse to sleep in the meadow, it should be above 10 degrees. Hope this helps.
"put your mare to sleep" can you expand on that?? What are you meaning by that statement?
Look, yes anastetics cost alot. It also costs to breed
is this on a virtual site? because you cant do that in real life!
I'm lost here --- what is the question??
Howrse is a virtual site, well kind of it is a SIM/RPG. I would ask a moderator
Sorry but I dont think you are going to get your answers on this site. Most people will probably just assume you spelt Horse wrong. My little cousin plays Howrse so I know what it is. But I agree with asking the moderator of the site/game, we only have the answers for real horses! Good luck!

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