Friday, July 31, 2009

Howrse Question.. The expression "lame duck"?

I've never heard of this, and I can't find it on a google search! Does it mean "good for nothing"?
Straight from this website for riding level four, these two answers are correct (check both of them to get the question right)
Q:The expression "lame duck"
- Designates someone that is lazy
- Comes from the fact that horses suffering from emphysema, in the age of cavalry, were considered as "good for nothing"
Here's the website:
good luck
if you have any more questions, my username is backinthesaddle
You know, I looked for it too and couldn't find it.
Politically, a "Lame duck" is an elected official who, either was not re-elected and is serving out the last few months of their term...or an elected official who has been elected for his or her last term and can't run for re-election due to term limitation. Ah but that is an answer for the Politics section, right?
It used to mean they didn't really have to do anything...but nowadays, I'd love to see it mean they have nothing to lose so they can try to keep a few of their promises that they reneged upon for whatever reason.
Since it's a political term, if "worthless" is an option, I'd lean towards that just because of the nature of politics today. LOL.
The expression "lame duck" refers to a horse as being lame. That doesn't mean "not cool" it just means that there is a problem with the horses hooves or legs and it is limping

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