Friday, July 31, 2009

Howrse Question sry (not riding levels)?

My horse has 1% energy because she was covered .. what are ways to get her energy up? i already gave her a turnip and my center doesn't have any carrots... one 1 hour till midnight..don't want her to die
Whoa thats risky... Do you have a pass? Because if you do you should try to buy the revive thing just in case in advanced so that if she does die you don't have to worry about it... Im sorry if you dont have a pass because if you dont then your in trouble...
Whats your screen name? I could maybe give you something from my account to help your horse. BTW my screen name is Victoria1604, and my Stable is Silver Creek Stables And my stables has loads of Carrots. Literally I get 3 truck loads every week. So you can board at my stables. Its only 10.00 a night and my prestige is 4 stars :) So go ahead and board at my stables in order to save your horse or just get another stables
with carrots... Ok well good luck for your horse and message me on Howrse if you need anything.
OK well hope I helped,
-Katheryne (Katey)
This is very confusing to read. Call a vet out. Check for gut sounds. If she doesnt have any gut sounds most likely she is colicing. If she is dont let her lay down, or roll. Walk her around. If she tries to lay down make her get up (Throw a rope at her, and yell) Call a vet.
This is a strange question. Are you sure she needs anything other than rest? It would be normal to be exhausted. She is more likely to be dehydrated, does anyone on your yard have some rehydration powder or salts? If so mix it into a paste to get it down her quicker and put some in her water too. If you really feel she needs energy then you could try mints, they are full of sugar, but it is much more likely to be dehydration, which can be very nasty if you don't deal with it - get fluid and rehydration stuff down her as quickly as you can - if you are still very concerned then get a vet. Good luck, hope all goes well.
Put her in her pasture for a hour-- actually if it is that close to midnight she should be sleeping.
use fat to give her or him more energy. maybe 3 scoops if ur riding and 2 later for night time
Is this a question about a game? or a real horse?
Why does everyone keep asking questions about this game? This section is for real horses and real questions. I hate having to read something to find out it is for a game and not at real life situation. For all of you please find another place to post you questions!!
If she is serious enough that you are worrying about her dieing you need to call the vet
Hey everybody, Howrse is an online game.
I would suggest putting her in the pasture if you don't have a pass. Hope she lives!!
please, this is a computer game question and this is the horse section. Even though the game is about horses this question doesn't really have anything to do with horses.
What is with all the sudden howrse questions anyway? I played that game and hated it! There are way too many rules, no talking abuot other breathing (not rlly but it will probably come to that)... and the "karma" points are just a gimic to get you to buy points and get more people to join which means they are taken away for all the right reasons but given for all the WRONG reasons.

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