Friday, July 31, 2009

Hypoallergenicc tack cleaner?

Is there suck a thing? My horse is losing hair around where his leather halter sits. Ive been using the halter on him for about a month and this is the first reaction hes had. I also considered flys as a posible cause Anyone know of any hypoallergenic tack cleaner? Any suggestions? I'll try to get a picture up.
If you could get a picture up that would be great. How often are you cleaning your halter and with what product?
And why would your horse be wearing his/her leather halter during turnouts for a period of time that would be long enough to cause a reaction to any soaps or leather conditioning products?
I wouldn't turn out a horse with a halter that would be left unattended for any length of time because of the possibilities of them getting hung up on something and choking to death, breaking their necks etc.
Just my thoughts. Dawn
i dont think a takc cleaner will do anything. his halter may be to tight and is rubbing on him. do you take it off? at night you may want to do s to give his face a break. you can probably put swat on the areas rubbed off just to prevent him itching it. if it still isnt healing, get him a nylon halter, they dont rub as much as leather ones.
Do you think it might just be that it's too tight and rubbing him? Hm- maybe look through
I believe Murphy's Oil Soap (Murphy's Saddle Soap) in the paste form might be, as it is all natural. I know that many horse owners use it exclusively. I used to be a rep for Colgate-Palmolive and had several distributors order it for cleaning tack.
You might want to try the fuzzy covers that go over the nose band, headstall and side pieces. I've used them on horses before and they work.
I had a horse do this same type of thing once and it was not an allergic reaction, but flies that were biting and laying eggs under his skin. It itched and he rubbed his face raw against the fence posts. What I did was wash the face daily (sometimes twice) with Phisoderm soap (like they use in the doctors office and you can get this at any drugstore.) and then coated his face (and I mean really thick) with Vaseline. The soap killed the batercia and the vaseline helped with the itching and probaly smothered the eggs, plus kept the flies off. You could also use the yellow Furazone ointment. In a few weeks, the itch was gone and the hair was back. I know that this sounds corny, but it did work. This was an old itch cure that I learned from my grandfather. You might want to try this. If it does not show signs of improvement quickly, you should consult your vet.

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