Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How olds too old??

my Mare is very fit very healthy and still goes to our local shows Jumping etc,she will be 21yrs this yr,shes tb x irish draught,Whats the last sort of age to breed from a mare,It would be a lovely to get a foal with her pleasantness her loving attitude to life im letting her slow down abit now but she hates it still loves jumping un hacking out,dont no what to do,Half of me says lets do it the other says iv left it to late to even think about it. What do you lot think??
Hey I want to say I know what you mean here. I have a mare in the field that I ride everyday she is the most energetic horse I own and she is top notch fit to go anywhere. My vet comes out regularly and give them a full bill of health. He ask me last time why I didn't breed her I said because of her age (she is 25 and papered) He said that age has nothing to do with it if the mare is of sound fit ability to foal. My mare has had several foals in her time but I have now decided I am going to breed her and at least get me 1 baby out of her. But if you decide to do this do not under any circumstances put her out to pasture. She needs to be kept fit, rode, her muscles in shape, and she needs a really good feed supplement. Do not do anything without first having your vet come out and fully check her out. Tell him or her your intentions and get his advice first. Hope this helps you good luck
Its a bit late for a first foal i would think (tho people do breed from older mares)if she is happy still in work then carry on-i had a british champion pony that was 30 plus and a grade a showjumper of roughly the same-lots of the top showjumping horses and ponies are aged-hope this helps !! xx
Your mare will tell you when its time to stop riding. as long as she appears to be happy and pain free, i see no reason to retire her yet. As for breeding, she is a bit old for that.
someone is never to old to do something if you are able to do with out hurting your self fine do it good for u! but if its hard and you hurt your self doing it ma by your to old!
let her enjoy doing what she wants to do, she will let you know when she has had enough, just keep a close eye on her. as for the breeding i think you have left it a little too late for her to have a foal, let her enjoy the rest of her life without putting any unnecessary strain on her body. just enjoy what you have with her!
At our barn, we had a mare that was bred when she was 21, %26 though there were a few failed attempts at first, she finally took, %26 gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who is now almost 5.
I wouldn't wait any longer, though, if you really want a baby.
Good luck, I hope it turns out for you!!
If your mare hasn't had any foals in a while or at all, she may have a very diffficult time conceiving. The anatomy of mares allows the introduction of germs into the vagina easily and most mares have a lowgrade infection going without any outward signs at all. If you seriously want a foal, get a very good vet who is well versed in reproduction. It can be done, but be prepared for some hard work! But she is not too old to have a foal if she's in good health otherwise and can be bred for a few more years safely. As for exercise, let her do it. Where I used to board, the lesson horses all lived into their thirties as productive, happy participants in the things they enjoyed. They got good care, correct feed for their age and time off so they didn't get overtired..the precursor to age related injuries. As long as your girl enjoys her life, go for it!
I think a 21 year old mare is fine to breed. A vet should check her see if she has any cists and is still capable of breeding. It's best to know if there are cists or anything else before you start breeding an older mare and it just takes an ultrasound to tell. You can still breed with cists sometimes you just have to get them taken care of if after a few attempts she won't take the pregnancy. I have older broodmares one is 23 and the other 20 and I still breed them and they do great. They take a little extra care with feeding supplements and more senior feed during their last trimester and while nursing the foal. If she is in good health and spirits there isn't any reason to stop riding her or to have your foal. If you decide to breed her you will have to take it easy on the riding though. Horses will always give you signs when they are done and ready to retire.
Hi, I think you know already, this is far too old !! but, try her
with a teaser . you must know her seasons !! but
why not just enjoy her !! (but I have to say shireX via
Irish (espcially with bone) has a god chance of breeding
similar stock !! anyway Good Luck, but I know
your Heart gonna win !
ok well i say if she can still ride, keep riding her, she will let you know if it is too much for her and keep an eye on her for sores or painful areas, but no foaling, that old of an age could be too much for her and the baby to go through and one or both may not survive if you love her which i believe you do , dont do it i dont think it would be safe however ask the vet but i am training to be one in college right now so i suggest dont breed her, its just too much. Conceiving is hard work on the body and she may be too old, i know some may say go with it but just enjoy the time you have with her.
in human years 21 yrs old is very old, and your horse is very old.
She isn't to old to breed it just may not be a good idea, as for the jumping if she feels up to it why not let her. I have a 26yr. old horse and would ride him but he has some major leg problems, but he still wants to go so let your horse jump if she is up to it.
A person i know her horse is 21 and they still ride her every week and shes fine .But your horse is very very old so don't push her
I would tone it down a little. Jumping high fences puts strain on muscles and bones, just like if you were 60 or 70 and still jumping high hurdles and doing Triathlons. So i think that hacking out is still an option, but i wouldnt recommend anything else such as jumping.
If she seems outwardly healthy and has no major injury's it should be fine to continue ride especially if she loves it. It would not hurt to have your vet check her out to make sure ever thing is still working fine and that she is still in good condition. I think that she should be fine to have a baby but first I would consult with a vet. Also when choosing a stallion try to go for one that is not going to have a big baby and make it difficult for her to give birth. I have seen horses go into their 30 acting like they were 10 or younger. So if she is able let her continue to enjoy her life.
I think that its a bit old for her.
It could take years off her life, in that it will take a toll on her legs, joints, and muscles.
If jumping is something you want to do, then I especially wouldn't breed her.
My advise to you is if you do breed her, no more showing after she has the foal. Only fun exercise.
I have been through the same thing with my 22 year old Arab, who was a former Saddleseat horse that didnt know what slow down ment. I decided that sometimes just letting them live out and enjoy their old years is best. Having a baby would have made every little ache or issue she had bigger.
Your horse has a lot of good life to live. I have got a 34 year old still givin lessons. Horses love to work, sometimes too hard.
Just a thought and good luck with your horse.
Nah, think it would be a bit unfair. She may still be young at heart but she wont be in tip top condition for reproducing. Let her enjoy her older years! Then you can enjoy her too! There plenty of younger modelled mares with good characteristics - leave it to them. If your mare could listen and speak to you.. what would she say about it??
you say shes had foals in the past so thats a huge benefit to her.
Phsyically she sounds in good health and Irish draught type horses are usually good strong boned animlals so I would foresee no problem with her foaling.
However - I would advise you to get your vet up to give her the once over - he is the best one to advise you how healthy and able she would be to carry a foal full term - and his answer will put you out of your moral dilemma once and for all!!
I wish you all the best with her and hopefully you'll have happy foaling!
Personally i think its too late for her to have a foal - as you would be devestated if thier were any complications! If shes enjoying her work and shows then let her carry on enjoying herself - you'll know when to calm down when she starts getting tired etc - As long as shes sound and comfortable and sounds like she loves it let her carry on - you don't want to bring er out of work to have a foal when she loves her work so much!!
Only your vet can answer this hon - you do have a better chance if she has foaled previously. Good luck
I'd ask your vet the question, I'm in the same situation as you with my mare but I won't do anything without my vet's say so

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