Sunday, August 2, 2009

I bought a horse from a guy who asked me to mind another horse for him 6 years later he wants to take it back?

I bought an arab horse from a guy who bought him over with another horse a throughbred and asked me to look after him for awhile. 6 years later he rang and said he was coming to get the throughbred horse. I love the horse now and have fed him and looked after him for all this time for no renumeration, he refuses to sell him to me. I dont know what to do
If he hasn't payed you for the caring and feeding of your horse, and the horse is on your property, he really doesn't have a right to have it back. If he has paid for your services, then the horse is his.
I would assume a horse would be your property after being abandoned for a year or more.... ask a lawyer to be sure.
be firm and tell the guy you have a connection with the horse and you have grown to love it. ask him what the pirce would be. offer him a pirce he cant resist!
Get some legal advice.
I'm thinking that since you paid money for him than you have ownership of him.
I think you own the horse now and he has no say in the horse's life now.
take him to court and sue him for all the money it cost u to care for the horse,have the reciepts ready to take with u of all the cost
Wow, I would hate to see the bill for six years of boarding! If you have any type of records - like coggins tests - for the past six years, you should have a good case saying that he either abandoned the horse and it is yours now or that he owes you a lot for the six years of boarding. I would make copies of those papers and if he doesn't like your view on the situation take that stuff to a lawyer.
Best of Luck!
I agree with the others, I am sure that legally, the horse was abandoned - and you've assumed the care on him and are wanting to keep him. You really should contact a lawyer.
i think you should sue him. the horse should be yours if you payed for him for the past six years. and if legally you cant keep the horse at least you can get all your money back. not that your in it for the money.
Present him a bill for $200.00 per month for boarding and add all of the wormings etc to the bill and tell him when he comes up with the cash you will let him take the horse. Make sure he can't pull in and get it when you are not home--I had to chain and padlock my gates once. People are strange when it comes to animals, I had a goat for 3 years that was given to me she was a character and the kids would play hide and seek with her etc--one day I came home and she was gone--he found a new person that wanted her. Had a beat up little pony that I cleaned up and wormed and took care of for 2 years, she had just wandered into his place one day and he didn't want her and gave her to me--came home one day and she was gone. Lock your gates, you own that horse. With or without papers.
Get a lawyer or file with small claims because you have kept the horse for over 6 years and there are cretain laws where if it is shown that he had no intent to pick up the horse, it's yours or he has to pay you for the 6 years that you boarded it. I would total up everything that you have spent on that horse, wormer, shots, shoes, feed, hay, bedding and then times it by 6. Give him the bill and tell him he can have the TB when he settles the bill and the check has cleared, chances are that when he sees the size of the bill, he'll back off. If he says that the TB is still his and you were just boarding it, then he owes you and you can keep the horse until he satisfies the debt.
Good luck.
Check this out with a R.S.P.C.A inspector but i would make the guy pay big time, the hores i would have thought is rightfully yours after 6yrs, the inspector will also be with u when guy picks up the horse, good luck hope this works out for u P.S u can get the number for R.S.P.C.A from your local directory
I immediately would go to a lawyer not only for consult but for a restrainer order. I would fear for this man to try to steal the horse back.
He legally owes you board plus for 6 years and farrier work, vaccinations, coggins testing, and maybe you could even get training as well, extra care.
Before you go to the lawyer put it all down on paper and get the restrainer order ready to file and do this quickly. Then call the previous owner and tell you want to keep the horse. If he refuses you are ready set and go.
You have a great case, shouldn't even be disputed, although he will try until he talks to his own lawyer and he will need one. Please let me know how it turns out. Good luck...meanwhile keep an extra close eye on that horse so this jerk doesn't steal him.
get outter here, this guy is going mad..
this recently happened to a good friend of mine...
"This man was calling her a horse theif for looking after his horse that was found in the middle of no where in lame/poor/sick condition, when she had fallen inluv with the horse and gave up looking for the owner as she had no luck .he didnt contact her 6 months later stating the horse was his and he wanted it back ... the horse had been looked after by my friend and was in great condition even showing condition for a 10yr old paint mare...
get straight in contact with your local council or even police and let them know what has happened, tell them it was a short term agreement to look after this horse which was later abandon and left in your care for the past 6 years, with no contact, you took the horse in as your own and gave it a loving home..
dont muck around with this scum bag, he doesn't love this beautiful animal, he thinks its just a toy who doesnt hav feelings
6 years later he thinks he still owns the horse? He has a lot of cheek, doesn't he - 72 months of feeding, farrier work, vet bills, etc., not to mention your time and emotional investment.
He is "fortunate" in that you haven't sold the horse already, to pay for services performed!
He abandoned the animal a long time ago!
Lock your facility, move him, something to ensure he stays yours.
Definately speak with a Lawyer and some animal welfare people - animal welfare should be quite helpful when it comes to defining "abandonment". They have to go through legal channels when faced with defining this kind of situation themselves, and they usually have to move quickly to protect the animals interests.
Anyone with knowledge that you have been maintaining this animal will help to serve as witnessess...
I'd also have law enforcement out to make them aware of your situation. Create a record on paper. Ask them what crimes would be commited if the previous owner were to STEAL him back, without your permission. Depending on the horses value, he might be guilty of Grand Theft, besides breaking and entering to commit a felony...!
If he pulls in, bar his way out with a vehicle/lock the gate/write down his tag/license number - and call the police!
Get tough if you love this horse, it might mean his LIFE.
No written contract = he has to prove legally the horse is his.
Possession is 9/10ths of the law.
Verbal contracts boil down to "He said-She said. Nothing.
This guy is a jerk!
There is a law in the US that defines animal abandonment and increases the penalty for animal abandonment to a gross misdemeanor. Tell him you are going to press charges for animal creulty and abandoning the horse. State firmly that the horse is now yours.
Also check out the laws in your state.
I would get a restraining order right away until you get all of these issues settled. And get all of your vet bills, boarding bills, farrier bills collected so that you can provide proof that you have been the responsible owner of this horse for the past 6 years.
Good luck to you!
Hindsight is 20 - 20. Never do a "free lease" without a binding, enforceable contract.
Back in "the day," it was relatively easy to find a person to take on a "free lease" of a decent horse that they didn't want to sell...4-h projects, spouse only marginally interested...the owner of the horse had the "upper hand" if you will.
With the market so soft, and feed so high, it's reversed! Good luck finding a good placement!
If there was no agreement that you were caring for the animal in exchange for its use with the owner retaining ownership, I'd hand the guy a board bill and tell him there's a "board lien" on the horse. If you agreed to take on the horse in exchange for its use, then he has kept up his end and legally you don't have much to go on.
I'm pretty sure that after thirty days on your property without contact from the owner the horse would be considered abandoned. Even if he offered up the expenses after 6 years he shouldn't legally be allowed to take possesion of the animal.
In some states it is a crime to abondon an animal. :)
i'd get a lawyer.
send him a bill for your services!..quick don't think about it.just do feed and cared for the animal and believe me in this day and age that is worth plenty!
Well if he didn't sell the horse to you, then you can't really do anything. Just make sure the guy will care for him properly.
ask him if you could lease the horse from him. Maybe if he lives close by you could go to see the horse often if it's not far away. Ask for him to give you something in return because from what i understand you were just paying for this horses living expenses for 6 years and that's just not fair
Call the law.He has to pay you room and board for 6 yrs and I don't think he will do that. Meet him at the door with your shotgun and tell him to get a lawyer,or call the police.I bet you want see him again.Don't have a shotgun, borrow one.He abandaned this horse and he gave up his ownership.DON"T let him take this horse from you at all. Call you a lawyer now.
I agree with the majority of the posters, this horse has been in your care, feed board, vet, shoer, etc. The cost of that would far outweigh the value of th horse in the eyes of a court. Present him with a bill for board, tell him you will see him in court and I bet he will just disappear, just like he popped up...
Good luck with this, what a jerk he is...
say you want paying 拢40 a month full livery for the past six years!!..Wat a horrible thing to happen to you..good luck

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