I wanted to know how the government thinks this is beneficial. I love horses and have them. But, shouldn't we be worried about feeding the country instead of being selfish and wanting to amuse ourselves by LOOKING at something. That's what Zoo's are for. Only sincere need reply.
First, a couple of facts for you. The land that the mustangs roam on is mostly desert, or mountains and salt flats, and is NOT arable ( fertile) land that you can grow anything on. Second, the mustangs are important to the range, because they help to protect and preserve what is left of our rapidly vanishing open spaces out West. We don't LOOK at mustangs- they usually are afraid of people when they are truly wild, and will run away at the first sight or smell of people. Our government officials believe that it is important to protect and preserve our natural heritage for future generations- and that is an opinion that I wholeheartedly support and agree with. Wild horses are a part of our past that provides a link with the future. The US already has more arable land under cultivation than any other nation on the planet, and we can't even use all the food we do produce- we export it to places like Russia, which has trouble growing enough to feed its own people. ( It's a little weird to think of now, but we were actually supplying the Russians with grain and other products during most if not all of the Cold War, and we never stopped doing that- not even when they invaded Afghanistan in 1980 and caused so much trouble after that. We are a generous nation, and we share what we have- and that is a good thing. ) Zoos have their place in the world too- but they can't come close to matching the efforts made to preserve our open spaces. I would not want to live in a country or a world that was entirely populated with houses, shopping and strip malls, office parks and airports. We need contact with the natural world to remain mentally healthy and balanced as people- and we suffer when this is lost. Just my thoughts.
I understand your point and you're entitled to it, but I don't agree, and it has nothing to do with the "warmies" I get from watching horses run.
The same question could be asked of our National and State forests. Why preserve these old growths of trees that could be used to generate income? Why not develop the land to provide homes and jobs for people? That would really honk me off because I happen to enjoy riding there.
As they are considered a part of our National heritage, (don't forget what a young nation we are) many people want to see them preserved. That doesn't mean the herds should not be managed, but I think we've done enough wiping out and eradication of things that cannot be replaced for one society.
Castration would interfere with natural selection, but if the herds are drastically overpopulated, it's a viable solution.
I think that all the time. Kinda like people are so worried about letting gay people marry. It's not for me but I really don't care who marry's who because we have a lot more important issues to deal with. Like people who rape and kill children. It's sad that all these people will get off their lazy butt's to protest a same sex marrage but won't protest outside the court house and get the government to hand out the death penalty to the monsters that rape and beat these helpless children that have know voice of their own. Do people not realize it is our job to stand up for the defenseless and Innocent. We are all so mixed up with what should be important. And like you brought up. We have people starving and family's trying to get by but instead we put animals above our own kind. Don't think I don't understand that we need animals. But I'm going to take care of my own first.
I'm not exactally sure what you mean by, "wanting to amuse ourselves by LOOKING at something" but what I do know is that there is only a certain amount of land that is reserved for mustangs. Every year the BLM rounds them up, then they are checked by vets and farriers. Then some are selected to be adopted out. This is how they thin the herd without murdering them. If they were left to let nature to thin the herd they would die long, painful, and miserable deaths. When people adopt the mustangs they can do anything with them that can be done with any other horse. Some are trained as cattle horses, some are trained as trail horses. So they are not just something to look at.
I might be a little Bias but this is what bad things I think about the mustang project.
I know what you mean...I love the mustangs and I think that they are stealing the land. If they just move the mustang to another part of the country it will help your problem but it will be costly and I am worried about it.
Sure the government are actually helping the project, I don't think that it is appropriate for the government to spend that much on little horses that traples on valuable land that is great for growing crops, but a lot of Americans and Canadians love Mustangs so they will be upset with the question but it is your opinion and you shouldn't be upset by the bad answers.
I love the mustangs but they are distroying the valuable land. I want to help the mustangs in moving them to another place but I don't really know how to catch them all. That is the tough part of the whole thing.
Have a great day!!
There are competing viewpoints for what the best thing to do is. Politicians vote on what is best for them politically. Mustangs are seen as a symbol of America and their past mistreatment led to new laws to protect them. Some of those laws have been weakened since then.
As far as feeding this country, the USDA seems more interested in exporting our beef and importing cheap food from overseas. They are in the pocket of big business who prefer the use of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) over range fed cattle.
They aren't just for looking at...they are also preserving the land so it won't be developed, but all you can see is your profit...get rid of it because YOU don't need it, YOU need the land it is on. You are no better than a developer, greed fuels your desire. You got negative responses, %26 will continue to, because very few agree with your greed. You are still entitled to your one sided opinion, as I am entitled to my global opinion.
ok being from Nevada we have lots of mustangs running around. Not as many as there used to be but they are still there. It the BLM did not gather these horses and thin the herd through adoption and birth control (older and unfit mares are injected to prevent estrus) these animals would starve to death. Not cool. They have lost most of their grazing areas due to developement for housing. I know of 3 areas around my home alone that take in mustangs and train them. I have owned and ridden several of these horses and let me tell you they are not just for looking at!
You need to educate yourself a little more about the BLM, there is a heck of a lot more going on here than the horses and if you don't think that it is important to our country, well, I won't say more. If people like you continue, there will be no land for any of us to be able to have horses and we will be living on top of one another. We need more land used for wildlife preservation. Completely opposite of what you would like to have done. On the horses themselves. They are strong, hearty horses and make excellent mounts. I have 2 decendants of a mustang that my parents used to have still here on my property, you won't see them ending up on dreamhorse!
i see your logic...however mustangs are the origin of all horse breeds so if we eliminate all mustangs we would be screwing up the genetics of all breeds and im not sure what would happen but im sure it wont be good. I did a huge research paper on this so its not BS.
Wow, you are not very smart, the herds have been the basis for the horses we have in this country %26 the lands they roam are not being developed, or overgrazed by greedy cattlemen. If you love horses, %26 have them, you can't see the reason they preserve the horses %26 the land?
The country is so concerned with feeding our people, they ship our good food out %26 bring in cheaper stuff from other countries. But, in your other question, you mention the land...do YOU want the land? is that why you seem so greedy %26 short sighted? Try looking at the larger picture as a few of the people who have answered your question have.
Our country will spend nearly 700 billion dollars on Health and Human Services this year. This is the single biggest expenditure the US makes, ahead of defense (even though we are at war), I might add. I think we spend quite enough on feeding and housing people.
Before this adoption program began, the mustangs were being run to exhaustion before being loaded on trucks to be slaughtered for dog food. The adoption program was something like a compromise to limit the numbers of the mustangs. But if you'd rather see them as dog food, that's your business.
And one of the previous answers said something about valuable land. Have you seen Nevada? The land has its uses but it's not prime fertile farmland either.
Ok I see what you are talking about but I do not agree. I do realize that there are tons of people out there that are homeless and starving, but I dont think removing Mustangs or cutting funding to the program is the right answer. As some have pointed out these animals play a big part of our national heritage and they should be protected. They go hand in hand with the national parks. Why dont we cut funding from NASA and all those space programs? Why should we be worrying about whats up in space when there are people starving here on earth? Thats what I dont understand! I think preserving herds of wild horses is a better use of money than space programs. I would also like to point out that a lot of animals do not do well in zoo's they are very stressfull for them and many develop psychological problems. Wild animals arent meant to be kept in captivity like that.
I have adopted several horses from the BLM and all turned out to be great working horses. I think this is a great program! Keep in mind that the horses can't help themselves. People can get jobs.
I don't quite see why you can't accept that some of us care.
Mustangs are animals, yes, but considering we are the reason they are stuck with a tiny plot of land, we are responsible. They are also a remain from our history, and they deserve the chance to live for the future to see.
If you're such a caring citizen, then get a job that actually does something about the problems we face. Start a soup kitchen. Unless you help these people, or live among them, who are you to complain about how the government spends money?
(Also - if zoos are so great, go live in one.
Nothing beats seeing an animal in its natural habitat. Some of us hate seeing animals in zoos, thank you.)
People like you are why things are dieing out!! People should stop breeding!! Those horses were here first %26 should have rights! But people like you are why they end up shot in the head with a nail gun!!! You should go watch how it is done!! You may think twice. maybe not your TOOO stupid to get it!! Mustanges are some of the BEST horses to own! I own a few!! They would be TOO smart for you anyways! Educate your self!!!
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