Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am 12 years old an I need a horse that I can cowboy on? What kind should I get?

I love to run and goof around on horses, but i need to get one of my own. I'm screwing up my dad's horses trot. She's a Missouri Fox Trotter, and I run her all the tome.
Young lady, I would strongly advise you to knock off the galloping before you and your dad's horse get seriously hurt or have an accident. I am a professional who has been in this business for over 20 years, and during that time have spent years giving lessons and teaching youngsters like you who believe that riding a horse is all about running around like a nut case. That is an attitude that is eventually going to put you in the hospital ( or perhaps, even in a grave) if you don't change it. Take some lessons and learn to ride correctly and safely, and then perhaps you can have a horse of your own. Riding horses at a gallop ( or cowboying on them, as you call it) is abusive to the animal. It's not surprising that you are screwing up your dad's horse's trot- and I am sure that he is none too pleased about this. I wouldn't be either, if this were my horse and you were my child. In fact, I'd be tempted to give you a few sharp smacks on your rear end, and then ground you for a while until you have had some lessons and have changed your attitude. I would not let you near the horse again until that time, or until I saw some evidence that you had learned your lesson, if I were in your dad's shoes. What you are doing is dangerous, plain and simple. You don't NEED a horse of your own- you NEED an attitude adjustment. I have seen far too many cases of kids like you who did exactly what you have been doing- and fell off and got hurt. I even know of one young girl who fell and hit her head while she was cowboying around and who is now partially paralyzed. She uses a wheelchair to get around in now- and she will NEVER walk, much less ride, again. That's a terrible price to pay for a few minutes of fun, isn't it ? Now, I know there are other readers out there who will say I am being too harsh with you- but I would rather take the criticism than be a party to a preventable accident in which you end up getting hurt or killed through your own carelessness and ignorance of the sport and its safety rules. So knock off the galloping, take some lessons, and then you can ask about getting a horse of your own. Enough said.
quarter horse- they get their name because they can run a quarter of a mile faster then any other horse.
A Morgan Horse
You should contact a reputable dealer because there are plenty of old retired cow ponies around which need a new home.
I would say a quarter horse. That's what I ride :D. They are very curious of what you're doing. At least that's what my horses do. But they are very lovable.
a pony
If money is no object, a Quarter Horse is an excellent choice for a cowboy. I don't mean to demean you at all, but grade horses can be good cowboy horses as well. What you need to concentrate on (in my opinion) is finding a horse that "fits" you. You know, one that's tall enough, strong enough, healthy enough, a color you like, one that listens to you and wants to do what you want it to do. things like that. Make a list of what qualities you want in your first horse, then look for that! Good luck.
Quarter-horses are traditional
Then appaloosa
Don't forget lovely Morgans!
Latvian's are cool
-the possibilities are endless
(if you want a pet, go Fallabella. They are Puppy size. lol)
I would just get any horse that does what you want it to do. It doesn't matter the breed. Everyone has their favorites. My favorite is the appaloosa. They are so versitile. My next horse will either be a mustang or an arabian so I can do some more advanced endurance riding. My older appy is getting too old for endurance, but he still LOVES to run! :-)
You should get a:
Quarter Horse- Run fastest for a quarter mile
Paint: Basicly a Quarter horse with patches of white
or A sound/retired Thoroughbred. They love to run and will run for ever. If you can't find those then I say Appaloosa or a warmblood of some kind that can run.
If you're already ruining your dad's horse, why get another to ruin? Galloping all the time will ruin ANY horse if it's not crippled first, and you'll get hurt as well.
Galloping on a Fox Trotter will not ruin the gait, but it will destroy the horse's training if all it gets to do with you aboard is run. There is more to horses than 'cowboying' and running amok. I get a lot of horses to retrain that have been ruined and made into dangerous runaways by people like yourself.
Please learn how to ride correctly and to properly enjoy your horse before you and the horse are injured or killed.
A real 'cowboy' would NEVER treat a horse as you are doing...
The breed doesnt particualary matter just find a horse that is calm and likes to run. Always remember that a horse needs to warm up and cool down before and after a workout. (just thought id throw that in there)
First of all, a rider should never ride a horse in the way that you do. Fox Trotters run just fine, but it sounds like you are abusing the horse with the way you ride. If you are "screwing up" the horse's trot, it's not a change of horse that you need but a change in your attitude towards riding. Riding is more than just galloping at full tilt and if that's all your doing, then you are going to injure or ruin the horses you get on.
Galloping should not be done all the time and all horses, no matter what breed need warm up and cool down time. Please learn to ride properly and have some respect for the horses you ride before you cause some serious damage to one of them.
Ouch!! but all is not lost. horses have a way of knowing who is who and adapts to the rider (most of the time) I have had many different types of horses and mules but I did most of my cowboying on the good ol American Quarter horse. About 15 to 15 .5 hands high is just about right. It's not your age but the experience you have so being 12 doesn't matter. I know a few 12 year olds that can out ride a couple of adults that I know. Here's a good tip...if you want a good cowboy horse get it from a cattle ranch. chances are he (or) she will have a lot of cow sense bread right into her. Good luck
well you need a horse that fits you. you could have any type of horse that can be faster than another. theres a lot of ones you could get. quarter horses are first to look at! hope you enjoy your new horse when you get one.
You need to make sure you are ready to own a horse. There is a lot of responsibility envolved and just running it isn't going to work out. You have to love and care for it. You have to teach it things it might not know.
But if you think you're ready, a mid-aged quater horse will work best.
I recommend a Quarter Horse or an Appendix Q.H
If you want to cowboy, then you need a cow horse, but from the sound of it you aren't talking 'cowboy' the same way as I mean it.
Please be careful when using that phrase, Cowboys round here use horses to help them round up, work with and care for cattle. Their horse is their working partner, and as such they care for them real good, they don't 'run' all day, they are carrying out difficult and complicated moves which require a high degree of skill and control, and it's not all high speed.
get a thourbred that is about as fast as it can get
You sound totally and completely rediculous. Your going to end up in a hospital, or worste. "Cowboying around?" I know for a fact that NO cowboy would treat there horse like that. So your just screwing up your dad's horse, so heck, why not get another one? Real nice. I might sound harsh-- but what your doing can really hurt someone. It's people like you who are responsible for all those ruined horses out there who are sent to slaughter because they get so screwed up because people were stupid and they can't be fixed. So maybe you should try and think about what your doing first. Or who knows... maybe you just don't care.
get a quarter horse. My quarter horse loves to run and she doesnt care what you do. She acts like a complete Blonde at times. lol She;s so full of energy and she's got a really good tempermant.
Like I said before, try getting some lessons before you do anything else.
And I don't think you should goof around on horses...
Well I would get a horse that is a great kid's horse. An easy rider. I have a quarter horse and I run her a lot but I also trot and walk her too. When you get this horse don't constitly run it you need to walk and trot it to so if you ever plan to sell it you can sell it for a good price.
You should probably get a Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, Paint, or Morgan. They can run, but you can also goof around on them. If you work with them long enough you might even be able to ride them bareback and rein-less (that's always fun). Just find a horse that you love and can work with. With you running a lot find a horse with excellent hooves and legs. The best horses to goof around on are the soundest. I would tell you to get a Thoroughbred, but sometimes they're not the best horse to goof off with. Just make sure to warm up the horse thoroughly at a walk, trot (jog), and canter (lope) before galloping so she won't go lame. Horses normally have four gaits: walk, trot, canter, and gallop. So unless you get a horse that doesn't naturally gallop, then you can gallop until the horse gets tired and you won't harm her. Whatever you do have fun and be safe. Wear a helmet when you try something new.
You shouldn't have a horse at all, until you can get your act together and treat your dad's horse with respect. You admit that you "love to run and goof around on horses"...a real cowboy NEVER goofs around on horses! Goofing around on or around horses can land you in the hospital or worse, in a grave. The best advice I can give you is grow up more. Once you can respect horses, then you're old enough and mature enough to have a horse of your own.
if you are screwing up the horses trot then i would start by questioning your riding ability and look at why you are screwing it up.
i would advise anyone to go to a riding school and get professional lessons from someone that will give honest and impartial advice on your riding ability before looking at getting a horse at all, and then ask the school, after a few lessons with them so that they can get to see your true riding skill.level, if thay will help you to find a horse that it totally suitable for you.
but i will say that if you only want a horse to "play" on then you have no business on a horse at all as there is much more to horses then just riding them. i have seen many good horses ruined by people that used them as toys/play things
i was told a long time ago " anyone can sit on a horse and ride it, but not everyone can ride properly and well".
Get a quarter horse trained basicly on trails. Then you can run wild your horse withought worrying abought its fancy trot;)

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