Monday, May 24, 2010

I know what leasing a horse is but what's half lease?

I am half leasing a horse right now and I can ride the horse 3 days per week (the other person gets to ride him 3 days also and the horse gets 1 day off), I pay for 1/2 or the board costs, and half of farrier costs
A half-lease is pretty negociable, but, generally, it means that you have permission to ride or take care of the horse when your schedule permits and that the person you are half-leasing from will stable and feed the horse and provide what you need to take care of him properly. There is a hefty fee for this luxury.
Sorry that I don't remember legal terms. I hope I helped.
Like half sharing - you arrange with the owner to split everything between.
It's when the owner doesn't really have enough time but doesn't want to get rid of it completely, they still want to do stuff and ride but don't have time ( or maybe money)to do all of it.
I think you need to get on really well with the owner for this to work.
A half lease is like a full lease. In a full lease you can basically ride the horse everyday of the week. On a half lease you ride for 3 or 4 days out of the week.
its half of everything. you get half the privliges of leasing a horse. you pay half the ferrier, vet and deworming. its basically half of what you get when you full lease. where i ride a half lease is 85$ a month and a full lease is 150$. good luck!
a half lease is like a lease, expet someone else is also leasing the same horse, so you are halfway leasing the horse, if that makes sense
A Half Lease is where you only get to ride the horse and brush it and stuff. You don't get to take it to shows normally or move it to a different boarding facility. Things are more negotiable when you Half Lease. I think if you have a lot of time on your hands go for the Full Lease but if you just want to ride go for the Half Lease!
It depends on where you lease but at my barn a half lease is half the cost of a normal lease and you are sharing a lease with someone else or someone else can half lease the horse if they want. You can ride any time and you ride that horse in lessons.
It is shared leasing with another person. Usually they split the days you get to ride during the week or month %26 you each pay half of the bills.

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